Internet Privacy

With the use of technology, it is harder to keep maintain your privacy online. We are constantly being asked to provide different websites and companies with information including where you live, your email address, phone number, full name, age, birthday and so much more. It gets to a certain point where you realize all your personal information is online. Also, many people have Amazon Echos (Alexa) and Google Home in their households. Even though Amazon and Google announced that those devices don't record you, we still don't know that for sure. Putting these devices inside your house also takes away some of your privacy and it is important to be aware of that.

Here is a video that briefly explains the importance of internet privacy and the effect it can have. Some people don't mind having personal information about themselves online, although there are a large number of people that do. One way to protect your privacy is to limit the amount of information you put online about yourself. Only give personal information when you have to. Examples include when you are making reservations, signing up for accounts, etc.) If you look up your name you will be surprised at the amount of information you can find about you. That is why it is important to be aware of the consequences of giving out personal information about yourself.
