
Three secrets to managing new technology | PropertyCasualty360
Technology is very prevalent in our lives today. Phones are not only used for just making phone calls anymore. We now use them for social media, directions, searching the internet, watching videos, taking pictures and so much more. There are many effects that come along with the use of technology.

Some people view technology as bad for many reasons. Studies have shown that as a result of social media, youth suicide rates have risen. Lots of teenagers and young adults are active on social media these platforms serve as an outlet for cyberbullying to occur. Along with that, people also compare themselves to others that they see based on pictures and videos on social media and it can damage people's self-esteem. It is important not to overthink the things you may see on social media because not everything you see or read is true. Also, young girls will compare themselves to models on Instagram and other platforms, meanwhile, that isn't what they actually look like. People use filters, effects, and photoshop; not everything you see is real.

Although there are negative effects of technology and social media, it is important to also recognize the positive aspects of it. Technology has given us the ability to communicate with family and friends no matter the distance. I recently have moved to Florida and all my friends and most of my family are in New York where I grew up. Even though the move was hard for me, technology made it a lot easier for me to stay in touch which everyone, even though I can't see them as often.

I would say my relationship with technology is fairly healthy. I am not super active on social media, however, I do somewhat use it. During quarantine though, I have been using technology now more than ever. I spend most of my time Facetiming my friends, watching TV and YouTube videos, and using my computer for assignments. During this time it is important to try and limit the amount of time we use technology, although that can be hard since we don't have many things to do as of right now. I have found that going on walks, bike riding, sitting outside and tanning has been working for me.
