
What is the definition of online presence? Online presence is the "process of presenting and drawing traffic to a personal or professional brand online." I wouldn't say I have a large online presence. I do have social media, however, I am not actively posting on those platforms all the time. The social media platforms I use are Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Tiktok. Just by looking at my accounts, you would find different information about me on each one. Facebook has the most information about my life, however, it is not frequently updated because I haven't posted for over a year. Instagram I would say I post more often, however, I haven't posted since November.

I have given out a lot of private information about myself to many different sites. The reason being I ordered something online, signed up to be on Email lists for websites to get special promotions, made an account on a website, booked a vacation, etc.

I personally do think social media makes people feel lonely in a sense. When you scroll through your feed on social media platforms, you are constantly seeing that everyone you know is doing. Also, people only show what they want to show online. No one shows the boring moments, they always show the fun and exciting things they are doing. There is also a lot of pressure with social media. Everyone compares themselves to others and that is why social media can be toxic. I don't post often on social media because I tend to forget to take pictures and videos of what I'm doing because if I am actually having fun, I am living in the moment. It is never my priority to post about everything I am doing in my one life. Social media doesn't show how people actually are in real life.

Quick Self-Audit: What Kind of Employee Are You?
