EOTO Part 2: How to Stay Productive During Quarantine

Recently the world has taken a turn due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Working from home remotely has been a major change for everyone. These unprecedented times can be challenging for all of us and it is important to stay productive while we stay home.

It is important to get fresh air and get outside at least once a day. I have been going on walks and bike rides to stay active. I also have been enjoying tanning in my backyard to get fresh air and it feels good to sit outside.

Get active. You could go for a run. If you have any equipment in your house, use it. Even if you don't have any equipment, there are tons of videos online with workout routines you could follow.

One really important thing do is to develop a routine for your day. At the beginning of quarantine, I didn't have a routine and this made me feel very lazy. Now that I have one, I feel a lot more productive and each day feels consistent.

Another idea is picking up a new hobby or learning how to cook. Since we all have so much free time, this is a great time to focus on learning something new. I recently have gotten into baking and have been having a lot of fun with it. I also bought an "adult coloring book" and it has given me something to do since I have so much free time. It is important to find something you enjoy doing.

Lastly, communicate with friends and family. This is a big one. While we can't go out and see our loved ones right now, Zoom is your best friend. Every Thursday night my entire family does a Zoom call. It is important to stay in touch with everyone right know through video chatting.

Find what works for you. There are so many different ways to stay productive at home during these unprecedented times. Do whatever you enjoy doing most.

20 Ways to keep busy during Quarantine | WOODTV.com
