What exactly is Instagram? (EOTO Presentation)

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms that exist today and is constantly growing.
I first downloaded it in 2011, only one year after it released. At that time I was so young and didn’t understand
the purpose of it. Nine years later, I still have Instagram and appreciate it a lot more.

Instagram is a social media app that is used to share pictures and videos with your followers. It first launched
on October 6, 2010, was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. On April 9, 2012, Facebook purchased
Instagram for $1 billion. When the app first launched there were about 25,000 users and now in 2020, there are
an estimated 112.5 million users.

Why do people love Instagram so much? It is another way to stay in touch with people and share your life with
others. For me, I use it as an outlet to express myself along with having the ability to stay in touch with my
childhood friends and family members that I don’t get a chance to see every day while I’m at school. Instagram
is not used for only sharing pictures and videos about your life. Lots of businesses and organizations use
Instagram to build awareness of their company and connect with their customers. They are also able to promote
their products by posting on their own social media page or paid partnerships with influencers who have a large

