EOTO: The Television

One major invention from the late 1800s and early 1900s is known as the television and it has shaped our society today. The television was invented to transmit images just like the radio could transmit sound. It was also invented for entertainment purposes and is still used for the same reason today.

Televisions have not always been flat-screen TVs with 4K resolution. It took a lot of time and technological advances to get to where we are today. The first model was called the Mechanical Television which was invented by John Logie Baird. He used a scanning disk, which is known as a Nipkow disk, to scan and display an image. Using this technology, Baird’s company was able to broadcast the first-ever transatlantic television signal which was between London and New York in 1928. Following this, Baird also established Télévision-Baird-Natan, which was France’s first television station. Another inventor who pioneered the television is Charles Francis Jenkins. He was able to transmit moving silhouette images. All of these inventions led to more advances in the television

After the invention of the mechanical television was the electronic television. Kenjiro Takayanagi inventer the first fully electronic television receiver which basically was a television system that had a 40-line resolution. It wasn’t until September 7, 1927, when Philo Farnsworth invented the first Electronic Television. He used an image dissector to transmit his first image with a camera tube in his Laboratory in San Francisco. One year later when the model was ample, he was able to demonstrate how it worked to the public.

The next advancement in television technology was the color television, which was ground-breaking in history. Before color, all television images used a gray-scale, meaning everything was in black and white which is why it was such a huge improvement in early television technology. Most television stations upgraded to using color transmission instead of black in white around the 1960s to 1980s. This new technology was very expensive during the 20th century; early color sets cost over $1,000 during that time.  In 1928, Baird created the first color transmission, along with making the first color broadcast 10 years later in 1939. 

It took many intelligent individuals during the late 19th century and early 20th century to invent the television, along with other advances in television technology. The invention of television has shaped our society and impacted our lives. We use this technology every day whether its for entertainment, for education or for information watching the news.

